Best Dog Crate Reviews

Dog crates – one of the most useful tools in an owner’s toolkit for successfully raising a well-adjusted puppy.

Whether you use them for house training, traveling, or simply as a cozy den for your dog, a good crate is the perfect sanctuary for your dog and a great way for you to keep them safe if you’re unable to give concentrated supervision.

Know more about Best Dog Toys.

But what crate should you use with your Golden Retriever? There are many different types and styles on the market; From soft-sided fold-up crates, to expensive furniture style hardwood versions. Which should you choose?

In my opinion, the very best crates are collapsible wire dog crates – for a variety of reasons.

In this article I discuss why I think they’re best, then give my recommendations for the best wire dog crates for Golden Retrievers available today.
What Makes Wire Dog Crates The Best Choice?

Wire crates are the most popular of all types available – and for very good reasons.
They are Very Strong and Durable

Being made of metal, wire dog crates are extremely tough and long-lasting. Wear and tear over time has minimal effect and they are impervious to a dogs scratching and biting. A single crate can literally last a lifetime.

This is often not the case with plastic, fabric or wooden crates that can can quite easily get damaged by even calm and non-destructive dogs. Large, boisterous and even slightly destructive dogs are frequently seen to chew and scratch their way out of crates that aren’t made of metal.
They are Very Easy to Keep Clean

Because metal is non-absorbent, and completely non-reactive to a little washing detergent, wire crates are very easy to keep clean.

If they should need a clean, a bucket of soapy water, or even a power washer out in the garden is all that’s needed. A very quick and simple job to keep clean.

They Offer The Most Ventilation

On a practical level, they afford your pup plenty of ventilation and air – definitely a plus point if you’re living in a warmer climate.

In contrast, many plastic, fabric or wooden crates have enclosed sides and can quickly lead to overheating in warmer months.
Dogs Inside Have a Great View of Their Surroundings

A wire crate will give your dog a great view of their surroundings and make them feel as though they’re still part events, even though they have a new, private space to call their own.

Able to relax, but still keeping an eye on things. That’s how most dogs like to spend their time with very few truly enjoying time with their pack (family) completely out of view.
Highly Portable Despite Their Strength

Yes, there are lighter more portable options out there for a crate, made from materials lighter than metal.

But a wire crate isn’t too heavy, collapses flat easily and is set up after within seconds with no need for tools, so they are highly portable for storage or transportation.
From Puppy to Adult – One Crate for Life

Many wire dog crates have a divider available that allows you to resize a large adult crate to suit a puppy.

So instead of having to buy a small crate for your puppy, a medium one when your pup’s an adolescent and a large crate for when they’re fully grown (3 crates? Expensive!), you can simply buy a large crate and use a cheap divider to make it fit your puppy as they grow.
Possible Drawbacks To Wire Crates

As with everything in life, there are some aspects to wire crates that can be considered a disadvantage:
Very Exposed for Colder Climates

The advantage listed above of ventilation for hot climates swings the other way and can become a problem in colder climates. There’s little shelter in a wire crate.

However, you can of course choose to site the dog crate read go here against or or two walls, certainly out of the way of any draughts, and of course there are a wide number of crate covers available to keep them warm. Or do as many others do and simply cover the crate with a blanket!
They Can be Noisy

Wire crates can be a little noisy if a large dog inside moves around a lot and the crate is on a solid floor with no mat or carpet. However, many come with little rubber feet, or you can buy some for a very low cost. You should also place bedding inside which dampens any noise.

I always use wire crates and they aren’t loud at all with feet and bedding. I can honestly say I never notice it